About project

   The project „Innovative methods of using payment instruments in a economic activities of a company” is a mobility project implemented by Liceul Tehnologic Bratianu, having as host partner St. Georgess Clubclass School of English Ltd, from Worthing, Great Britain.

Main features

The purpose of this project is the training through direct participation to an internship stage in the domain of using the payment tools, in the financial- accounting department of the host partner for a number of 40 students aged between 16-17 years, from Liceul Tehnologic Bratianu


The specific needs to which the project addresses, there are:

– training of the participants in the domain of using payment tools;

– using, through active participation of the payment tools for European economic activities;

– acquisition of new competencies in the field of using payment tools by the participants;

– access to methods and techniques used in training in Great Britain;

– improvement of the abilities of communication in English language.


The main result of the project will be the training of the participants in the domain of using payment tools in the context of transnational economic activities. Thus, a number of 40 students will learn to practical use, in real conditions of work, different payment tools, fact which will facilitate their insertion in the labour market in the context of a globalized world economy.

In the long term, the project will bring added value to offer training to the beneficiaries.


Proiect finantat de Uniunea Europeana